Friday, February 6, 2009

Damage is Done

I think I've done enough. I'm sure I've said enough. I don't know why I thought about trying so hard, thinking so hard, and putting in so much effort that in the end it all resulted in nothing but pure pain and disappointment. Don't get me wrong, you made me heart smile, but this whole time.. I had this big five letter word that I confused with that eight letter phrase. Well, what's done is done and all we can do now is fix it. Well, I'm gonna try to fix it. I don't know much about you. HONESTLY, I don't know how you can do it. I mean, I know I'm at fault too but, whatever. Shit happens right? I fell for your bullshit and pretty much..I let you take complete control of who handles my heart. Even if you had no say in it, even if you didn't have to tell me anything. I knew what woulda made you happy, so I listened. Haha, Fuck me ! I'm so dunzo with this. It's funny because ..I remember telling myself a long long time ago, I would never let myself fall in love with you, because I saw girls crumble and crack after what you've done to them. But look at me ! I'm falling into that same trap..In a sense, my case is much much different. Actually, honestly, I know for a fact, when that time comes, we'll happen again. But besides dumb shit like that. I'm done with the sweet talkin', the nicknames, and acting like a give a fuck ? Nope. Not anymore, babyyyy ! I finally came to realize what everyone wanted me to realize, what everyone WANTED to tell me, but wanted me to figure out on my own. And it's that..I'm no rebound, &I shouldn't be giving you everything every boy ever wanted. Sorry, I took so long to come to my senses..but I'm here now. I hope you enjoyed this while it lasted. I'm not gonna drown anymore because I learned I can swim myself up to the top all on my own. For some reason, I don't know why I let you push me down for SO long, but I'm here, taking my first breath. I'm so proud of myself and yet so fuckin scared ..But what can I say, I accept every challenge.

Maybe one day we'll end up talking again,
maybe one day we'll go back to being just friends.
I loved you then, I'll love you now and forever..
but my sun has taken it's last set..

You don't even need to question this.

I'm curious to if I'll still feel this way after a few days.

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