Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog For Pity !

This whole blogspot thing amuses me. I'm not making fun of it or anyone, it's just interesting. Every time someone wants to say something but never to their face because their two scared, too worried, or just not man enough to say how you feel. Imagine there was no blog sites? Would we all just keep quiet or find the balls to say it in person? People would still be using diaries to vent. Or would they? Cos everyone is just at least a little conceited that they needed write about it so everyone in the world is capable of viewing it. I hate how blogs are so deciving sometimes. It can make you think it's for you..when it's not. You feel all special..but really it's a lie. No one ever mentions names cos they assume that person will know. I'm not making fun or baggin. I do it too ! Shit, I do it a lot actually. It was just something that crossed my mind..

Because I wonder if you know which are for you and which aren't. I try to make it as obvious but as lowkey as possible.

Maaaaaan, debut practices should be starting soon !! I'm missing one girl tho. HELP. I don't hang out with girls -_-;

Once again, I would just like to say I'm happy. Finally.

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