Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi followers & new visitors!

I haven't blogged since Monday ! & It's Thursday. Only means I've been a busy girl. Monday didn't do much..right? Ya I don't know..Haha. Tuesday went by really quickkk and I had to find a ride home. :( I went to Valeries house with Dino Locc too. We make spam masubi ! YUM YUM. Afterwards, chinchilled and went home. Good day with a interesting end, didn't except your call.

ANYWAY. Yesterday, Wednesday, School was a bore..I got kicked out of Swager's class. Faggot. >:O Uhhhhhh. Nothing interesting. After schoool, Long picked me up and we went to Mary's for debut practice. It wasn't even debut practice >:O. Haha, cos everyone was lazy. And no one wanted to help me finish the dance :( Poops. But yea, I guess it was pretty productive. Uhhhhhhhhhhh.. What else. So yea, chilled with Eman, Robert, Reianne, Patrick, Mary & Longgg & other cool cats. Got home around 9. I had a good day. Technically my weekend never ended. I was SUPPOSED to hang out with Mary & Long and Karen today but Long's car is being a gay piece of shit that it is. Uhhhhhhhhh....OKAY. It was so much more fun that I'm explaining it to be I swear, I'm just so lazy to write. Haha. I hid my shit ! WOO. You don't knwo what I'm talking about, DOESN'T MATTER.

UH, today...good day. School, same shit, balhblahblah..TOMORROW. A lot of you gays don't have school. :( But I do & we're getting fitted for dresses tomorrow. Darn, I'm gonna be late, but I'll be there! afterwards...kick it for Marvins birthday? Kickback with chino kids ? Man, IDKKK. We'll see whatever happens valentines day. WTF? Hell nah. DEUCE.

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